
Showing posts from May, 2014

No Name Calling

by Laura Thompson I had an interesting day today. Attended a couple of meetings.  Learned more about a friend.  And one of my favorite things to do, I watched some young kindergarten students just being kids during their lunch break, while waiting to talk to an old friend. Educating our kids is a very important aspect to our life. Those who are teaching and leading our kids have to be extra careful how they deal with our kids.  While waiting to speak with my friend, a teacher had allowed her class to walk ahead of her at a local school in San Antonio.  They were young kids, kindergartners to be exact. They were walking back to class from lunch.  As the kids were walking, some of them begin to play, as young kids will do and so the line was not as straight as the teacher would have liked and they weren't as quiet as she would have preferred...just Kids. As she walked fast to catch up with the kids, she called them "Monkeys"...I was so appalled that I had to go up an

Dreams & Visions: Where Do They Lead You?

By Laura Thompson We dream about what we want to be and sometimes spend all our lives trying to get to this visionary place that we have no idea how we'll arrive there and what it will be like once we arrive.  Yet, we get up every morning working towards reaching that dream. Although we toss and turn, if we have the will and perseverance, we tend to get closer to that "some" place. As I have journeyed towards my vision and dreams, I often wonder where I've been going and why I've been doing so many things for so long and how it relates to my initial dream. I watch people now doing the things that I've done long ago and sometimes feel within myself that they just might be wasting their time, but then I realize that everyone is on a journey, everyone has dreams and in time they, just like me, will someday realize what life is all about and what life isn't about. I've learned that we all have different points of views and perspectives and that no

Natural Beauties of Texas

Two Texas Natural Beauties were showcased on our The African American Network (TAAN) Facebook along with 20 other Texas Beauties and they received the most likes.  Jasmin McNeil on your left is seen ripping the runway and Gloria Ray in her younger years (and still a natural beauty)  Congratulations from TAAN TV

Out With the Old...Make Room for the New

By Laura Thompson Today was an interesting day for me.  I felt like I was in a place where I didn't belong.  I believe I'm being elevated to the next level and have grown tired of the same old mundane BS.  I am ready for the newness and fresh challenges that I feel coming. Yet I feel that I am surrounded by people that are on another path...a path that I've travelled and left way behind. I am going to step into my next level and leave all of the old behind.  I have been pruning and reinventing myself.  I no longer have time to labor to make things work.  I've been sowing seeds for years and without looking back, I will began to reap the harvest that I worked for and have been waiting for. I've built a life that I've outgrown and now I am ready for the new life that I have been preparing myself for. I'm ready for the next level, whatever that may be.  I am no longer satisfied with this place that I've outgrown.  New opportunities and new people wi

It's Mothers Day!

by Laura Thompson It's Mothers Day...a time to celebrate our mothers all across the country.  There is a uniqueness in all mothers that brings out how special mothers are to their children and to the world.  Mothers can brighten our darkest hours, moments and seconds.  There is something about a mother that creates a sense of safety and protection. When we hungry...we think of our mothers standing over a hot stove, going through the drive thru at our favorite fast food restaurant, sitting at the dinner table waiting for the food to be served.  No matter how old we are...our mothers are the one's we think of in our times of need and celebration.  When we accomplish major is our mothers' name that we lift up and thank. Mothers have endured a lot...more is expected of mothers than you can imagine.  The weight of the world is carried by mothers.  Can you imagine a world without the goodness, kindness, greatness and tolerance of our mothers? The one who sta

Obama's Speech in 2004