
Showing posts from January, 2017

Lot's A Stuff Brewing

Laura Thompson SA New President is sworn in.  Check. Got that out of the way.  Now what? We have new elected officials sworn in from our city (San Antonio).  Now let's see what fruit is brought forth from our federal and state officials. Also coming up in May, we are getting geared up for City Council elections.  Wow in the political realm, we have a lot of decisions to make and lot to think about...that is if politics is your thing. There are a lot of things manifesting in San Antonio, so for those that are community minded, civic minded and business minded opportunities are abound.  Also remember that opportunities don't just happen, we have to create those opportunities.  So whether you are just starting community service, civic service or you're wondering what business to start...opportunities are available.  Opportunities are also available for those of you who have been involved in your community, civic involvement or long time business owners if you are willing

We Need a New Peace Movement

 by Laura Thompson In the late 70's an antiwar movement began promoting peace in America.  It was a simple movement fueled by "peace".  There was a emblem created that represented peace and tshirts, medallions and other paraphernalia was created and sold to all who chose to participate in this movement.  There was also a physical symbol utilized to represent peace, which were displayed by using the index finger and the middle finger. Now were need a global peace movement.  There are so many people across the world with limited understanding of the various cultures and beliefs that sometimes it is almost impossible to make sense of what's actually going on in the world.  Understanding each other is one of the key factors in loving and trusting one another.  Peace and love transcends a lot of misunderstanding and misconceptions. As we continue to transition and transform our lives, there is a need for us to learn as much as we can about who we are and how we can

The Need to Have Our Own News Outlets

by Laura Thompson I was browsing through my Facebook news feed like I do every morning when I wake up and I came across an editorial by one of the Express News writers.  During my campaign, Express News and KSAT News felt that it was their appointed duty to annihilate my name every time they had the opportunity to do so. As you know or may not know, I ran for District120 State Rep and ended up on the general election ballot.  I was the only Independent in Texas to be placed on the ballot for the 2016 November general election. I read an interesting article this morning that described the landscape of the new legislators going into office.  They were described as green (unexperienced and not very knowledgeable).  They however described my opponent as one being watched by Texas Legislators and as one who would probably best be able to reach across the aisle to work with Republicans, at least on the issue of education.  She was also described as having an independent edge, wh