Michelle Obama Joined Twitter Thursday... Her Handle @MichelleObama

First Lady Michelle Obama on Thursday joined Twitter, under the handle @MichelleObama.
So far, she's only posted six tweets, but she has already ramped up nearly 260,000 followers. Mrs. Obama's feed will be managed by President Obama's 2012 campaign staff but the First Lady will occasionally tweet herself, with those posts signed "-mo."
"Hi, everyone, and thanks for the warm welcome. Look forward to staying in touch with you here," reads her first tweet.
In another post, she invited people to join the Martin Luther King, Jr. day of service, which takes place this Monday. She also added a photo of herself with actress Miranda Cosgrove from today's White House screening of an episode of iCarly in which the First Lady will appear in next week.
President Obama's own Twitter account has about 11.7 million followers.
Mrs. Obama is following just six other accounts on the micro-blogging service, including those of Vice President Joe Biden, Obama for America campaign manager Jim Messina, the Let's Move and Joining Forces White House Twitter accounts, and of course, the official White House and Barack Obama accounts.
President Obama's 2008 win was credited in part to his presence on social media. The launch of the First Lady's Twitter account is the latest step in the 2012 campaign's continuation of that activity.
The White House in August joined Foursquare, and about two months later, Obama 2012 launched a Tumblr page.
Additionally, last week the president launched an Instagram account, where his staff has invited supporters to share photos from the campaign using the tag #obama2012.
In fact, there is barely a corner of the social Web where the Obama campaign lacks a presence. The aforementioned accounts join the president's Facebook page, which has nearly 24 million Likes, as well as a Google+ profile and a Flickr account.
For more from Leslie, follow her on Twitter @LesHorn. Source: Leslie Horn PC Magazine


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