Lot's A Stuff Brewing

Laura Thompson SA
New President is sworn in.  Check. Got that out of the way.  Now what? We have new elected officials sworn in from our city (San Antonio).  Now let's see what fruit is brought forth from our federal and state officials. Also coming up in May, we are getting geared up for City Council elections.  Wow in the political realm, we have a lot of decisions to make and lot to think about...that is if politics is your thing.

There are a lot of things manifesting in San Antonio, so for those that are community minded, civic minded and business minded opportunities are abound.  Also remember that opportunities don't just happen, we have to create those opportunities.  So whether you are just starting community service, civic service or you're wondering what business to start...opportunities are available.  Opportunities are also available for those of you who have been involved in your community, civic involvement or long time business owners if you are willing to adjust your lenses or maybe view opportunities from a different perspective.  Nothing is forever, but there is always an opportunity to change directions to reach your dreams.

As for me, I have a lot of stuff brewing like I always do.  Just finished serving as District 120 State Representative for a few months completing the unexpired term of Ruth Jones McClendon.  The experience was interesting to say the least, eye opening, fast pace, a great opportunity to grow and to look at our community, civic engagement and business opportunities totally different.

I transitioned from my district office to a commercial office, where I will be conducting business, which includes training, workshops, media broadcasting, production, management consulting and hosting events all bundled into a huge vision. I am currently inviting select people in to see what potential opportunities are to do business, partner, hire and train individuals to run various areas of the company.  I will be hosting a grand opening in February 2017, and more so stay tuned.

There are so many great things about to be birthed and have been in the making for a very long time.  There is opportunity for all, so stay tuned.


  1. Thanks for a very stimulating synopsis of what's ahead. I am not on the East side but I look forward to interacting with you and the rest of SA in some capacity.


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