Creating An Environment of Inspiration, Innovation and Inclusion

By Laura Thompson

DreamWeek goes viral around the city of San Antonio surrounding one of the most important holidays celebrated in the city.  It was sparked by an idea to do something more to create awareness of the largest march in the nation.  San Antonio with a population of a little over 100,000 African Americans produces a march that exceeds the population.  And the marchers are from all walks of life, all ethnicities and includes people from all across the city and from other parts of the country.

You see the march started out very grassroots and with just a hand full of people and to see what it has become is something short of a miracle.  But the true miracle happened in January of 2013, when a forward thinking creative genius was bold enough to think that he could create a 12 day event surrounding all of the existing MLK activities produced by the MLK Commission.  Sho Nakpodia dared to dream of events taking place throughout the city for 12 days and just like Martin Luther King Jr.  he began to see amazing things happen...I would like to call it Inspiration, Innovation and Inclusion.  The photos below are just a few of many events that were produced and incorporated into Dreamweek.  Over 60 events and entities participated to create a week of dreaming together and collective participation.  DreamWeek was indeed a viral dream come true.  It's what we all aspire our dreams to become.  Thanks to the visionary, Sho Nakpodia


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