Pastor Keely Petty Helps Break the Silence About HIV/AIDS Among African American Women

I had an opportunity to speak with Pastor Keely Petty today and she is very well versed on the silent killer among African American women....HIV/AIDS.  What she means by silent killer is that there is very little information available and made public that speaks to the deadly disease.

Pastor Keely says that more education and awareness needs to be made available to African American women about AIDS.  HIV/AIDS can happen to anyone...says Pastor Keely, "the disease is caused by behavioral sexual activity" and African American women are not getting tested until it is too late to do anything about it.

She travels across the country and speaks very candidly about the disease.  Pastor Keely says she lost a brother to HIV/AIDS back in the 80's, so she's on a personal mission to educate anyone who will listen about the danger of the disease and works more towards helping African Americans change their behavior.

The African American Network believes it is our responsibility to provide information that creates awareness and educates our viewers and readers.

We will help Pastor Keely provide you with very important information about the disease.  One of Pastor Keely's priority messages is to get TESTED!  Early detection can be a lifesaver.  As we continue to talk to Pastor Keely, she will provide you with more information on how you can help her spread the word about how to eradicate this deadly disease.

She will share information about a program that she developed to use as an educational tool for those infected and for those caregivers, friends and family members.


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