Great Community Conversations...TAAN Has Interviewed Over 50 People from San Antonio African American Community Over the Past Six Weeks

Tyrone Darden, Host
Community Conversations@taan
Community Conversations@taan (The African American Network) has interviewed over fifty individuals from our community in San Antonio to discuss the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin case, education, image, profiling, words we use and names others call us.

We've heard varying perspectives from a wide range of people from all areas of the community and invite you to view some of the interviews to see if you agree.

I believe that these interviews are a great spring board for future conversations on a larger scale in the city.  I believe that it is an excellent forum to bring groups of people together to start rebuilding a community that is segmented, divided and simply does not communicate with each other.

The interesting thing about what we are finding is that people from all walks of life and in communities all across the city want some of the same things, like better education for our children, a closer knit citywide community, better economic opportunities, and stronger and healthier family units and relationships.  These are similarities that we can build upon.

We also are finding that individuals, groups, and organizations are doing positive things in the community, but there is just a slight other words...we interviewed people and found that in the same room...we found that several people were working on the same project and didn't even know.

We all live in this vacuum and we see the world and our local communities based on our limited knowledge and what is going we only see ourselves or the people whom we are involved the only groups or individuals doing something to improve the community...when actually...we've found that a lot of us are contributing to the community and what to feel more connected to the African American we will continue these conversations and expand them to a wider audience to start developing a community plan that will help connect the dots in the African American community.


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