Beyonce' Disrupted the Music Industry...Released Her New CD Underground on iTunes...Pissed off Amazon/Target

Instead of mega retailer Target tagging on to Beyonce's digital underground release, which sold over 1,000,000 downloads in five days, they have opted out despite the momentum that has already been built from the iTunes promotion.

Seems they would rather lose money...than not be first...sad :(  It seems that Beyonce has just changed the game and those players who refuse to change their mindset and approach to reaching the masses...may be out of the game soon.

I like her disruptive marketing's a huge GAME CHANGER!!! Both aMazon and tArget...were not able to capitalize on Beyonce's big they've opted out completely.

sOunds like a case of SOUR GRAPES to me.  Beyonce didn't lose though and both Beyonce and Columbia profited big time...Maybe when it comes to selling should go digital as well...Don't they know that's where all their consumers are going.   Why drive to Target or order from Amazon to have a physical CD shipped to you, when you can just download it to your iPod, iPhone or SmartPhone...thanks to the disruptive marketer...Steve Jobs...

Get it together Target...Amazon and all the mega retailers of the world...Beyonce has just CHANGED the GAME forever...and you still need her music to help you make money so stop being stubborn...silly...and Just Get it together!


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