For this first time in many, many years, I believe that African Americans, Black people; whatever we choose to call ourselves finally understand the power of our vote.  No matter who you voted for in the General Election, what your beliefs are, who you backed; the bottom line is that you exercised your right to vote and IN RECORD NUMBERS.

Joe Biden is our President Elect and Kamala Harris is our Vice President Elect and might I add, the highest ranking woman and African American woman ever to be selected and elected in the history of the United States.

Some might say "isn't that enough?' or "we should be satisfied", but the reality of it is that to me "we should never be satisfied" but there is one final thing that needs to be done and African American voters have the power to do it.

Of course not every registered voter is eligible to vote in the State that I am referring to, but the votes casts in Georgia in the U.S. Senate runoff election will affect African Americans in this country.  There is a highly contested race getting ready to start up in Georgia and African Americans have the power to change the face of the Senate fo the next four years.

Here's the deal! Rafael Warnock (D) is running for U.S. Senate in Georgia against Kelly Loeffler (R).  The fact that Rafael Warnock is Black is not the only thing that needs to be considered in this race.  You must look at both of the positions, what they stand for and how it will affect the people in Georgia for years to come.  Check out these segments about Warnock and learn about his position.  


Why is this race so important to African Americans?  

The decisions and positions that are made by the President is partly controlled by the House and the Senate.  One particular group has controlled the Senate for many, many years which makes it next to impossible to get things done fairly, when it comes to serving the people.  The power of the people can not effected be exercised unless we get out to vote to not only change the president, but to change the face of the House & Senate, so that the people are represented fairly.  When there is absolute power, it is difficult for the people that are supposed to benefit can get a fair shot.

For instance, there is no way that a second Stimulus check should not have been sent out to the American people that so desperately need some type of relief during this time.  It is more than selfish to leave the very people that placed you in office to represent you, to leave them out in the middle of the ocean with no lifeline.  Everyone seems to be taken care of accept the people, so it is going to take people power to balance the power that has caused a lot of the American people to suffer more than they should be.

I don't know who agreed to this last package, but I know that what Rafael Warnock said about a second Stimulus relief check.  "While other folks in the senate are voting against helping the restaurant industry and sending the people $1,200 stimulus checks, Raphael Warnock and John Ossoff are doing what they can to help Georgia restaurants stay afloat and keep food on the table on Wednesdays and Fridays. Go by one of these restaurants, get a discount and help your local waiters, waitresses and staff keep money in their pockets to take care of their families".

Personally, I have a tendency to agree with Warnock. If I could vote in the Georgia, I would! How about you?


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