REPOST: Civil Rights...Human Rights Movement...RESurfaces through National Protests

In the wake of the new movement against racial injustice...Trayvon Martin's death has provided a platform to invigorate and awaken America and African American communities across the nation to stand for something once again.  I am proud to see the galvanization of our people.  Although we have our own set of beliefs and problems...the damage of institutionalized racism in our communities, in business, and in our schools has caused an awakening within the African American community to stand together, once again, and do something to improve our conditions and the conditions of our children.

I can vividly remember the injustices that the African American men in my life experienced, when I was growing up.  I vividly remember, when I was in my early twenties, my boyfriend and I were travelling to Houston, Texas from San Antonio, Texas...both of us had to use the restroom, so we stopped at a nearby gas station...I was allowed to use the restroom, but the gas station attendant told my boyfriend "boy she can use the restroom, but you can't".

Our family would take road trips, so we often needed hotel accommodations...we would have to go from hotel to hotel that had vacancy lights lit up...yet when my father would try to secure a room he was told many times "no vacancies boy".  I thought it was odd though, when he would resort to using a pay phone and changed his voice a bit, the rooms would suddenly become available...then he would send my mother in to pay for the room.

For many years African American men have had to take a back seat to society, endure tremendous pain, accept unfair treatment, and yet expected to not be angry about it! Yet we have persevered...our men have done well in past generations, but it's time to teach and re-energize the African American community.

On the flip side, our race relations initiatives need to resurface...protesting is one part of the solution, but we need to educate our race to educate other races.  Those inflicting racism are just as wounded as the victims of racism.

As we protest about the loss and the tragedy of Trayvon Martin...let's think of ways to improve our own communities and educate America about the great things that we continue to do, despite the injustices and inequalities that we face.


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