We Don't Want to See Your....A_s...Pull Em' Up!

Yesterday, I posted on my blog about not having time to educate and help those in need, but I accidentally updated it with another article...my bad!  I will pay closer attention to what I am doing next time...but for today...I would like to talk about our young men wearing their pants beneath their butts.

Guys...I just despise it!  I want to respect you so badly, but when I can see your butts publicly displayed it makes it hard to me to show you the love and respect that I know you deserve.  There have been many reasons discussed that explains your actions, but I just don't buy it.  There have been statements made about the origin of the sagging pants, but that doesn't seem to bother the saggers one bit.

Now I know that you should have a right to dress the way you please...I do agree with that, but you live in a world that reacts and responds to symbols and sagging pants are symbolic of negative responses, an unacceptable image and disgrace...maybe not to you, but to onlookers.

In the society we live in certain body parts should be kept covered and not publicly displayed for all to see.  Plus, I don't believe most of you even feel comfortable sagging your pants because I always see most of you pulling them up when you walk.

The reason that I am writing this blog is  to let you know that we really think you young men are awesome, super intelligent, wonderful, brilliant gentlemen, but we do not want to see your butts...we really don't.  Not in public.

Certain images come to mind, whenever we see something...some good, some bad depending upon what we see.  Sagging pants beneath your butt sends a message to most that is negative.

Again guys...it really breaks my heart to see you walking around with pants sagging and butts wagging...just sayin....please respect those around you!


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