Changing the Game...Changes Everybody

by Laura Thompson

I like change.  But I sometimes do not like the process of change.  It takes a lot of courage to change they way we do things and to change what we do.  Changing how we do things and who we do things with imposes change on others and throws them off a little.

We are called to change by our purposes in life.  And it doesn't come easy.  Often we resist change because we're afraid to go through the process.

Many times, I've had ideas that I thought were just fantastic and thought everyone would embrace them...that they would be on board and they would be so happy about it just like me...only to find that in order for all these things to happen, they would have to change too...and so I often...we often...have to face our new ideas and changes least at the beginning.

Ask many of the great men and women...who we think are different from us or have some magical formula that we don't have...ask them how change...and ideas...and stepping out....and doing it anyway, changed their lives and the people in their lives.  Ask them if they have the same ride or die friends and family and fans in their lives, as they did when their journey first began.  Ask them how many people stuck it out with them and how many have moved on.

We often accuse others of not being our friends because they don't support what we do or really don't understand why we have to change or go in another direction.  We all get comfortable in our routines and the way we do things.  But when we get ready to change....we want our friends and families to just go with us. Often times, their resistance to support us is not because they are hating on us or don't love us anymore...sometimes they feel the affects of what your change might do to them and their relationships with you.

When you do decide to go in a direction that is unfamiliar to the path that you are seeking...that doesn't mean you're better or that you know everything, so be careful who you cut out of your lives.  Sometimes you may find yourself very alone, while  you are headed on this great journey and yet when you arrive to your destination, the game has changed and the people that you once called on for support have accepted that you've changed and moved on, so they are no longer available to you.

You don't always have to change your relationships to change your path...your relationships are the foundation, the platform, the shoulders that you stand on to get to the next level.  Just when you feel that you've arrived...that ear that was once available may no longer be listening...because you've changed!

Change and success are often described as a lonely road...and sometimes it can be, but if your maintain your doesn't always have to be.

Don't accuse people of not loving you or supporting you....because you are not the only one affected by YOUR change.


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