What's Your Number One New Year's Resolution...Here's My Top 12

The new year always brings about new ideas and an opportunity to start anew.  The top 12 new years resolutions for 2012 for me are probably some of the same one's that you have.  This new year though...let's add an action plan with our New Year's Resolutions.  Take a peak at mine and see what you think!

Resolution One:  Hire three people and contract four people  to help carry the work load and expand the business.  Action Plan:  Review all the work and look at what work you would like to keep for yourself and what you can delegate to employees and then look at work that you can contract to those that have the expertise to execute the contract.

Resolution Two:  Lose weight.  This is probably the top of many people's list!  Action Plan:  Schedule a time to exercise everyday and a daily exercise routine.  Make it a necessary and permanent part of your day.  Change your diet and decrease the amount of food you take in each day.  There are many meal plans online that can assist you in losing weight.  Start from where you are and don't compare yourself to others.  Purchase a good digital scale and weigh yourself regularly.  You not only want to lose weight, but lose old habits too.

Resolution Three:  Save money.  Action Plan:  Learn from past experiences and handle your money different if you have a habit of over spending or spending money you do not have.  Take a percentage of your earnings and open a separate savings account.  Learn about other ways to make your savings grow.  Once you put the money away consider it nonexistent.  Build an emergency fund that you can live off for at least 18 months.  

Resolution Four:  Get a makeover.  Action Plan:  If you are tired of your old look...hairstyle, clothes, or makeup, strategically plan your next look based on your profession, your marital status, your new look once you lose weight.  Invest in a good haircut and style; if you're single and looking for a new mate for the new year start looking the part; and stick to your diet...lose weight and establish a strategy to keep the weight off.  A new look for the new year is always a fresh way to start.  Step into the new year looking and feeling great...and work on it all year long.

Resolution Five:  Get out of debt.  Action Plan:  Getting out of debt takes planning, spending differently and possibly taking on a part time job.  It takes  looking at everything and finding out where you are financially.  It does not happen overnight, so don't expect to be debt free the first month of the year. Do start executing a plan.  Stop living above your means.  Cut back spending on non-essentials.  Seek help if you need to, but what ever you do start now.  Remember, you didn't get in debt over night and you're not going to get out of debt overnight.

Resolution Six:  Start getting kids prepared for college.  Action Plan:  Even if your children are in elementary school or middle school, it's never too late to start preparing them for the future.  Surely, when they get into high school you want to make sure they are taking all of their college prep exams; make sure they are talking to counselors about scholarship and grant opportunities; and make sure that you search all online scholarship and grant opportunities.  If they are in high school, make sure that you start visiting college campuses, participating in internships and summer programs to help them get exposure to college life.  Look for opportunities to get scholarships from local organizations.  If they need tutoring, make sure you find out where your children can receive the help they need.

Resolution Seven:  Make time for family.  Action Plan:  Your family is the backbone of your life...and you should always schedule time with your children, brothers, sisters, parents and all significant family members.  Depending on your family situation...make sure that family is the core of your life.  Family first...work is not going to sustain your personal life..family does that.

Resolution Eight: Stop Smoking.  Action Plan:  Smoking is an addiction, so you will need help in order to overcome the habit.  First step is to make up your mind.  Sit and write down a plan of action.  Start  slow, cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke per day.  Even if you fall back, just be aware of it...and start anew.  An addiction is never easy,  Solicit support from family and friends.

Resolution Nine:  Take on a Hobby.  Action Plan:  You probably already have a temporary hobby.  But make it a point to dedicate some of your time to doing something that you really enjoy and have the gift to do.  If it's writing...journal or write poetry or short stories or even write a book.  Whatever your gift, there is a hobby waiting to be birthed out of it.  Enjoy and Create something really cool just for fun!

Resolution Ten:  Prepare yourself to find a mate.  Action Plan:  Before you rush into anything, make sure that you are ready mentally, emotionally and physically for a relationship.  Decide what type of relationship you are looking for - companionship, committed relationship or marriage.  Then make sure you are over any past relationships and that the relationship is over before embarking on a new one.  Get yourself together and start the dating process first.  Don't accept just anybody and don't accept anything from anybody just for the sake of being in a relationship.  Read up on courtships.  I know that is an old term, but relationships lasted a lot longer, when people got to know each other first.

Resolution Eleven:  Rediscover Yourself.  Action Plan:  Sometimes you find yourself in a rut...there's nothing like finding your own space and occupying it all by yourself.  Look inside of you and find the new you waiting to come out.  You change over time, so find out what's new brewing inside of you.  Set aside some self discovery time.  Lock up and don't let anyone in your space.  This is your time to find the new you.

Resolution Twelve:  Relearn the Art of Communication.  Action Plan:  If you have a cell phone, email, iPad or any technology that cuts you off from verbal communication, you are losing your ability to have healthy interaction with others.  Texting and emailing is the new communication, but there is still a need to have face to face and voice to voice communication.  The need for human interaction will never go away.  Written communication is powerful, but the art of verbal communication is still needed.  Learn to separate casual emailing and texting from conversation.  Learn how to do more talking...it is a skill that you will always need.  What would happen if you we all turned our technology off for an hour a day and just talked...physical contact and conversation is a dying art...help save it!

What's your top New Year's Resolutions...and what is your action plan?


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